Generating Electricity from Road Speed Breakers

Free Energy is available all around us in a variety of different forms, it just needs to be appropriately harnessed and used. One such example is our modern streets and roads where thousands of heavy and small vehicles pass everyday non-stop. The amount of energy transferred across the roads by these vehicles could be huge, and easily tapped, especially over the speed breakers where it's much easily accessible. The procedure and the circuit diagram are enclosed herein.

 If correctly implemented, generating electricity from a road speed breaker could be actually very straightforward and a permanent source of electricity.

The investment behind it is relatively lower compared to the long term free energy potentials it ensures.

We know that when vehicles step over a speed breaker, it slows down until it has entirely crossed the construction.

Through an appropriate arrangement, the speed breaker hump could be installed with a spring loaded mechanisms which could aid the speed breaking requirement and also absorb the energy from the vehicle movement such that the resultant produces free collectible energy right underneath the speed breaker location.

The conversion could be easily and effectively done through age old traditional method, that is by using a motor generator system.

An example image could be seen below. It shows a piston mechanism where the head surface circumference of the piston coincides with the speed  breaker hump curve. This piston head is secured and positioned slightly raised above the speed breaker hump so that the vehicle is able to hit and push it down while passing over it.

The piston is fitted with a spring loaded shaft appropriately installed in a concrete cavity constructed just below the hump.

The piston can be further seen clamped with an alternator wheel such that the perpendicular movement of the piston produces a rotational movement over the connected wheel and the alternator shaft.

Whenever a vehicle climbs and passes over the speed breaker, the piston is pushed down, thrusting a rotational movement over the connected alternator shaft. This happens for as many times a vehicles crosses the speed breaker hump.

The above action is converted into the generation of electricity from the alternator which is appropriately conditioned using a boost converter stage for making the output compatible with the associated battery specification, so that it's charged optimally during the process.

Many such mechanisms may be placed in row across the entire speed breaker length for harnessing the entire section of the area.

The above discussion explained the mechanical implementation of the proposed speed breaker electricity generation concept. The following section explains a simple boost converter circuit which may be used in conjunction with the above for acquiring a well optimized voltage/current for the charging of the connected battery bank.

The circuit is pretty simple, wired around our friendly IC 555 which is configured as an astable multivibrator with a high frequency determined by R1/R2/C1.

The received voltage pulses from the alternator is first rectified and filtered by D1---D4 and C2.

The stabilized voltage is then fed to the 555 stage which converts it into a high frequency output across the gate/source of the driver mosfet stage.

The mosfet oscillates at the same frequency and forces the entire current to oscillate through the primary of the associated boost transformer.

The transformer responds by converting the primary current induction into the corresponding high voltage at its secondary winding.

The amplified voltage is next rectified and filtered by D5/C4 for the required integrations.

A feedback link could be seen via a VR1 preset control to the base of T3. The arrangement could be used for tailoring the output voltage to any desired level by suitably adjusting this preset.

Once it's set, T3 makes sure the output level does not cross this level by grounding control pin#5 of the IC 555 for the same.

The energy stored inside the batteries through the above speed breaker electricity generation could be further used for operating an inverter or directly for illuminating street lights (LED lights for more efficiency)

The ferrite transformer TR1 could be made over a suitable torroid ferrite core which fits the best for your application considering the amp output.

An example image may be witnessed below, the primary is dimensioned for a 5V/10amp input, while the secondary for yielding about 50V at 1 amp.

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