How to Make a Dual Tone Siren Circuit

This electronic siren gives out a continuously varying high amplitude sound. Since the supply voltage is not critical, it can be used in cars, motor cycles or at home. It can replace the ordinary call bell. - . The circuit consists of two separate free running multivibrator and an oscillator.

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A free running or astable multivibrator is one which has two quasi-stable states and the output of one stag is connected to the input of the other through a coupling capacitor.

Since both the states are quasi-stable, the output attained is continuously varying in nature i.e. high, low high low-.

 The output is in the form low pulses, the frequency of which depends on the base biasing resistor and the coupling capacitor, When these resistances and condensers for both the stages are of different values, the output ` wave form is rectangular; this is because the time constant of the two quasi-stable states becomes different.

If this time constant of the two, states is made the same, the output obtained then is square wave. Two states of the multivibrator are made identical by the use of the same values of components.

The components used in the circuit (Fig). result in a square wave output and the time constant selected is so as to give a fairly good rise and fall of the siren.

However, one may change the value of coupling capacitors to get any other desired time constant. The second unit is an oscillator section. The condenser connected at the output is the feed back condenser. It determines the tone of the siren.

Higher the value of the condenser the lower is the pitch. for high pitch sound (generally used in siren) feed-back condenser ranging from 0.047 uf to 0.1 mfd should be selected. The speaker may be metallic case (horn type) or small planer cone. The metallic cone horn gives better results.

Parts for dual tone siren circuit

R1,R2,R5,R6= 22K
R3,R4 = 2K2
R7 = 10 Ohms, 1 watt
C1,C2,C4 = 0.1uF
C3 = 22uF/25V
T1,T2 = BC557
T3 = BC547
T4 = 2N2907 or 8550

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