Simple Frequency Counter Circuit Diagram Using a Single IC 4033

The circuit shown below can be used for measuring frequency or Hz. The IC is very simple to make and utilizes just a single IC 4033 and a common cathode display as the main ingredients. If higher frequencies in the the order of two or three digits are required to be measured, then simple the number of modules can be connected in series as described.
The simple frequency counter circuit shown below will effectively convert any pulse at its input into a display over the 7- segmant cathode block.
The IC has an internal BCd to 7 segment translator which directly converts the pulses at its input to readable numerical bars at the connected display block.
A single IC 4033 is able to handle only one common cathode display block and therefore the shown circuit is able to show numbers from 0 to 9 in response to the relevant clocks applied at its input.
The IC may be easily reset at any point. For example suppose 6 clocks were applied at the input and the the display now reads 6, it can be reverted to zero simply by pressing the shown push button, if needed.
Pin #15 is the input where the clock or the pulses are applied for counting
In order to make the counter able to count to two digit or 3 digit or 4 digit etc. just include integrate the relevant number of modules as shown in the diagram and connect their outputs in the following manner:
Connect pin #5 of the first module to the clock input of the next module and connect pin #5 of the second module to clock input of the third module and so on.
Make the reset pin common, so that a single push button can be used for resetting all the modules at once.
Supply terminals will also need to be made into common rails.
A capacitor of 0.1uF should be connected close to the supply rail for decoupling purpose.

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