Low Battery Cut-off and Overload Protection Circuit.

A very simple low battery cut-off and overload protection circuit has been explained here.

The figure shows a very simple circuit set up which performs the function of an overload sensor and also as an under voltage detector.
In both the cases the circuit trips the relay for protecting the output under the above conditions.

Transistor T1 is wired as a current sensor, where the resistor R1 forms the current to voltage converter.

The battery voltage has to pass through R1 before reaching the load at the output and therefore the current passing through it is proportionately transformed into voltage across it.

This voltage when crosses the 0.6V mark, triggers T1 into conduction.

The conduction of T1 grounds the base of T2 which gets immediately switched Off. The relay is also consequently switched OFF and so is the load.

T1 thus takes care of the over load and short circuit conditions.

Transistor T2 has been introduced for responding to T1's actions and also for detecting low voltage conditions.

When the battery voltage falls beyond a certain low voltage threshold, the base current of T2 becomes sufficiently low such that it's no longer able to hold the relay into conduction and switches it OFF and also the load.

QUIZ = Explain the introduction of R4 and C1.

Parts List

R1 = 0.6/Trip Current

R2 = 100 Ohms,

R3 =10k

R4 = 100K,

p1 = 10 PRESET

C1 = 100uF/25V

T1, T2 = BC547,

Diodes = 1N4148

Relay = As per the specs of the requirement.

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