How to Collect Free Energy from Atmosphere - Circuit Diagram Attached

A free energy collector circuit helps to convert surrounding radio frequency waves to electric power and can provide 40 watts to 10 watts indefinitely.
An option to increase the output power is achievable through proper set-up of an antenna. Placing an antenna in a close proximity of a large metal object helps generate additional power. The wire of an antenna should be more than 150 feet long, which has to be placed horizontally on a higher platform to derive the best result. The more the higher an antenna is set, the more it is able to act efficiently. However it is advisable to keep the circuit closer to an antenna.

The proposed free energy collector circuit on the other hand, also acts as a passive detector. As the large metal object passes wave, there is an increase in power. One major usage of this process is in the field of volcanic studies. The sensitivity of an antenna is capable to detect variation of energy from earth and is often used to receive warning signal for a possible seismic activity.

So it can be summed up that the placement of an antenna is very much crucial for a better output. Also one can use many of these circuits to construct and connect their inputs together, to produce ample energy to run electricity in a house. However to note, each unit needs their own antenna to construct the same.

The Radio Frequency power varies based upon a location. If the set-up location is close to a city or in close proximity to the transmitters, which generates high level of Radio Frequency; leads to an optimal performance.

If you are excited to generate free power at your house from the atmosphere, then you can perform some experiment with different length and size of an antenna. However keep in mind to place the antenna on a higher location for better result. During construction it is also necessary to keep in mind the earth ground of the circuit has to be properly conductive. The earth ground should also consist of metallic, conductive pipe or rod.

Submitted by: Dhrubajyoti Biswas

All Diodes are 1N4148
C1---C8 = 0.22uF/100V mylar
C9----C16 = 33uF/25V electrolytic

The following more comprehensive free energy deriving circuit design was forwarded to me by one of interested readers of this blog Mr.Prashanth Dhonde.

More info on the above design:

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