TSOP1730, 33, 36, 38, 40, 56 Infrared Remote Control Sensor IC Datasheet

The TSOP 17… series equipment is used in order to operate infrared remote control systems and consists of a number of miniature receivers. The lead frame is used to assemble the preamplifier and PIN diode along with the IR filter which is a design of the epoxy package.

Submitted By Surbhi Prakash

A microprocessor is used to decode the output signal directly which is demodulated in an easy way. The TSOP 17… series is considered as the standard series for the infrared remote control receiver which in turn supports all the important transmission codes.

Remote IR Sensor Pinout Details

Available IR Sensor Types

TSOP1730 - 30 kHz 
TSOP1733 - 33 kHz
TSOP1736 - 36 kHz 
TSOP1737 - 36.7 kHz
TSOP1738 - 38 kHz
 TSOP1740 - 40 kHz
TSOP1756 - 56 kHz

Typical application circuit and connections are shown below

Main Features
The TSOP 17… series provides two benefits of preamplifier an photo detector in a single package

An internal filter is present for the facilitation of PCM frequency

TSOP 17… series provides an enhanced shielding against the disturbances produced by the electrical field

It is also compatible to TTL and CMOS

The output active given by the TSOP 17… series is low

TSOP 17… series consumes low power

The immunity provided by TSOP 17… series against ambient light is high

TSOP 17… series enables a continuous data transmission of up to 2400 bps

TSOP 17… series provides 10 cycles/burst which is considered as the most appropriate burst length

Suitable Data Format

The circuit design of the TSOP 17… series has been made in such a way that it avoids any kind of output pulses which occurs unexpectedly due to the signal disturbances and noise. In order to suppress or avoid this noise and signal disturbances, the TSOP 17… series uses different applications such as an integrator stage, a bandpassfilter, and an automatic gain control.

The distinction between a disturbance signal and a data signal can be carried out by reading the burst length, carrier frequency, and the duty cycle.

The criteria or conditions which a data signal needs to fulfill are as follows:

The carrier frequency of the data signal needs to be close to the bandpassfilter’s center frequency such as at a frequency of 38kHz

The burst length of a data signal must be either 10 cycles/burst or longer than that

A gap time after each burst which usually ranges between 10 cycles to 70 cycles for a data signal should necessarily be at the minimum of 14 cycles.

For every burst of the data signal which occurs for duration of more than 1.8ms, the corresponding gap time is essential at some time of the process within the data stream. The length of this gap time must be at least equal to the burst length.

In a data signal, approximately 1400 short burst can be received every second on a continuous basis

The various data formats which are considered suitable are: Toshiba Micom Format, NEC Code, RC5 Code, R-2000 Code, Sharp Code, RC6 code, and SIRCS (Sony Format).

The data signal can be received in a TSOP 17… series even when a disturbance signal is applied to the TSOP 17… series. But, the sensitivity in this case is reduced to a specific level where the occurrences of unexpected pulses can happen. The different disturbance signals, which can be suppressed when TSOP 17… series is used, are:

DC light which can range from a simple tungsten ball to the more powerful natural resource of sunlight

The signal which are continuously received at 38kHz or signal received at frequency other than 38kHz

The signals which are received from fluorescent lamps which consist of electronic ballast. The figure given below shows a sample of how the signal modulation occurs.

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