Car LED Downlight Connection Details

A car LED downlight available in the market can be easily integrated to an existing car battery if its rating is identical to the battery's voltage rating. Let's learn more regarding one such request sent by Mr. Allwyn Siqueira.

The Request

Hi Swagatam,

I've just spent the last 3 days reading your blog and I'm just blown! I was doing a Google search on making a simple electric circuit and that's how I came across your website.

Your site is just fascinating and you've shared so many wonderful circuits that its been driving me mad!

I was trying to do a small home project using a 12V car battery and a 12V/5W LED Downlighter and wanted to know how I could connect the downlighter to the 12V car battery without going via an inverter.

I looked at the following circuit on your blog, but not sure if this is what I need.

Would you be able to help me please?

The LED Driver that came with the Downlighter is a rated at 3-5x1W
PRI: 110-240VAC
SEC: 9-17VDC / 300mA +/-5%

The battery I would like to connect this to, is a 12V Car Battery 70Ah (without using the 240V LED Driver and an inverter)

Any information into how I could make this circuit would be warmly

Thank you very much and once again, fantastic blog (I will continue to read the Solar related material when I get time)

Best regards,

Allwyn Siqueira

A Typical 5 Watt LED Car Downlight Image

My Reply:

Hi Allwyn,

Thanks very much for liking my blog.

If the LED that you have is rated at 12V/5watt means it can be directly connected to a 12V battery supply irrespective of the battery AH rating. The same will be true for any LED assigned with a voltage matching the battery voltage.
For added safety you can include a 1 ohm 1 watt resistor in series with the LED.

Hope this helps.


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