Designing World's Smallest 1KVA Inverter - Google's Little Box Challenge

You could probably win a million US dolars if your designed inverter is the smallest in the world and produces a minimum of 1kva, that's what the Google's little box challenge states. Are you ready for it?

 Let's go through the following discussion between Mr. SS and me which explains what the Google's Little Box challenge is all about.

Dear sir, I gathered some more information about the google's little box contest........of course, you will have many sources to know the information about it.....but just wanted to tell you what I know :) . The little box contest is introduced by google in association with IEEE. The contest's purpose is to encourage electronic geniuses like you to create a small tiffin box sized inverter so that it would become much much easier to use them and it must be eco terms of electronics, it should be less current consuming, and should give more backup even with less AH battery.(to the maximum extent). And the participants should give technical idea and details of their model within september 2014. And they would announce winners in january 2016! And winners win approximately 6 crores!! So, sir, I wish you a very very very very best of luck.........not only me, every fan of yours hopes the same......
With best regards,

My Reply

Dear SS, Thank you for your inspirational suggestions.

Yes I know a big money is at stake, but when something is as big as $1 million the competition would be tough and the idea may not be something that may be easily accessible even to the biggest of the engineers.

As you might have read, the requirement is almost impossible to achieve especially for engineers like me who are nothing compared to the top engineers in the world. So this competition is for the top minds.

The requirement says:

Design and build a kW-scale inverter with the highest power density (at least 50 Watts per cubic inch)

This competition is for those engineers who are specialist in inverter technology and have huge labs with sophisticated equipment.

Moreover the applicant would need to visit USA for submitting his or her built prototype which is another difficult task, so may be the competition is not for us.

We can only wait and see who wins and what kind of revolutionary technology makes this dream a reality.

Best Regards

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