Three Simple 50w OTL audio amplifier circuit by 2N3055

This is three Simple 50w OTL audio amplifier circuit by 2N3055, can build easy and cheap, It’s durable and very loud sound , Not needed speaker Protection. We use all transistors and LM3900 below.
If you are seeking power Amplifier at loud good sound , durable and economize. I begs for to advise Circuit Power Amplifier OTL 50Watt by 2N3055 , because of use the equipment that seek good easy and build not difficult with. Many you who tell amp OTL the sound is not good. Me chest edge that be not the loud sound is excellent. Then like to use general ( in the past ) although in contain divide still have use. I like it fining decorates the circuit. Just you feed power supply 50V 2A also the work has already and a loudspeaker should use 8ohm 12 inc. sizes. Besides still model PCB for the convenience of friends. Request have fun Power Amplifier OTL 50Watt , please sir.
Circuit Power Amplifier OTL 50W by 2N3055


Some friend need 50w car amplifier circuit

Power Amplifier OTL 60W by 2N3055 with PCB

This is Power Amplifier OTL 60W circuit. It is the circuit that gives bland excellent sound , because of use the transistor entirely (Hot part 2N3055 x 2) have no IC mix. Then may build difficult go to small but for what is the experienced person may have no a problem. For sound power that pay to come out about 60W at 8ohm size loudspeakers s build to sing can bail 12 inch sizes comfortablely. About story of the voltage supply for this circuit as a result the important. Should use the pressure about 30V the trend doesn’t lower 3A .Other detail see in circuit picture.
Circuit Power Amplifier OTL 50W by 2N3055
Circuit diagram
pcb-Power Amplifier OTL 50W by 2N3055
PCB layout
Next ideal be take LM3900 as differential IC so easy circuit to build.
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50 watt Power Amp OTL by LM3900, 2N3055

This be power amp OTL 50Watt use IC LM3900 and 2N3055 x 3pcs transistors to pillar equipment. Follow very circuit keeps to are Class ab then have a voice good loud. When , be amp OTL you then are certain that build easy use power supply the group is one 70V sizes by must use Current low 2Amp go up. Then have a voice good another thing you will like that amplifier. This durability do not make a loudspeaker a lose easy. The detail is other see in the circuit and model PCB next sir.
Circuit Power Amp OCL 50w With LM3900, 2N3055

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